Acceptance or Action?

An actionable idea on deleting a toleration may be choosing to do nothing about it.  Does that surprise you?  Just because we are putting up with something does not mean that we have to take action.  Awareness and acknowledgement of the toleration may be all that is needed for its influence to diminish.

Other tolerations are simply a fact of life, so while we may be limited in the action we can take, we do have a choice in how we approach the toleration.  Appropriate planning and a positive attitude can make all the difference in the world between something that could potentially drain us, yet instead, inspires us to become a better person.

Many of the other tolerations on our list are actionable and when we do move forward, we find enormous relief, increased energy and vibrancy and the ability to take ourselves to higher heights.  What can we do with those tolerations that bind us?

Do it Deal with it Dump it Delegate it Discuss it
Defer it Divide it Due date it Develop it  

Can you assign one of these to each of your actionable tolerations?  What other ideas do you have for deleting tolerations from your life?

So often we want our lives to be different and we anticipate that day when something dramatic changes and “voila”, we are suddenly transformed.  This series of newsletters began with the concept of change and the fact that most of our lives are not lived out in reality TV.  Our lives transpire in the day-to-day, minute-to-minute actions and decisions that we make.  It is up to us to determine the outcome of our own real life reality show.

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