
2012 is wrapped up with a pretty bow now that you have reflected on the year. What did you learn from that reflection? How will it inspire your 2013?

This time of year brings about much talk around goal setting, resolutions, year-end planning and strategy sessions. Companies on a calendar year wanted our budget requests months ago. Those in a business development or sales position are being asked for production goals for next year. As the clock ticks away the last few moments of 2012, many of us will be thinking how we want 2013 to be different.

We know that Einstein had a grip on our struggle to change when he described insanity as “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” How do we escape this? Our intentions are noble, our drive great, yet somewhere in the process of making our life different the wheels come off. We find this year a repeat of last year and goals simply an exercise to say that we did it.

Would you like your experience to be different? Then join me over the next several weeks as we go through the steps to move you in the direction of your dreams. Dreaming is where I want you to start. Grab some moments for yourself over the holidays, when the kids are cleaning up the kitchen (oh, that’s part of your dreaming!), when the family has left for after-Christmas shopping, a golf game or to take the tree to recycle. Grab that time for yourself – the other things will wait – and begin the process of making 2013 the start of the life you want to live.

With your notebook, tablet or other recording instrument of choice, begin to write or speak. Write or speak about what makes you happy, when you are most thrilled, what makes your heart sing. If those emotions are not present in your life now, think back to a time they were. What were you doing? Who were you with? What was it about that time that made it so special?

Perhaps you are reminded of childhood dreams, of what you wanted to be when you grew up. What did you see yourself doing? Where did you live? Who was around you in this dream of your future? Did you have a family? Did you live in an exotic land? Were you a business person making deals or a craftsperson creating things? What things do you have to see, do or become in this lifetime?

Write or speak until you’ve got it all down. Now smile and tuck it away. You’ve done all you need to do for now to prepare for 2013.

This is the last newsletter for 2012. I’ll be doing just as I have described above in the days around the holidays. I look forward to reconnecting with you in the New Year in supporting you in building the life and business of your dreams.

Happy Holidays!

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