Disappointed — But Not Defeated

Things don’t always go the way we would like. As the election results rolled in on November 6th, I went to bed with high hopes that the newscasters would be proven wrong in their projections. Alas, it was not so.

Generally a happy person, I spent most of Wednesday in dismay that the next four years would look much the same as the previous. As a small business owner, I have great concern over the growing size of our government and regulations that hamper the growth of small business. As the day wore on, I knew I needed to get on with it and get over it.

Voting was not enough. I need to do more. INSPIRATION STRIKES! The most powerful thing I can do is keep doing what I do…help individuals unlock the potential inside of them. The more and more people I can touch and support in moving their lives forward, the more people will know that success in life does not come from the government. It does not come from the school you went to, the people you know or even your parents. Success comes from within you and it is there just waiting for you to ask of it, to believe in yourself and follow your wildest dreams.

Purpose is powerful and mine has just been increased a thousand-fold. I am concerned about actions my government wants to take that could negatively impact this business built from scratch. Yet, the more successful I am at reaching more people with my message, the more I can help others see that bigger government is not the answer. Free enterprise and the ability to “Become greater” are the most powerful resources we have at our disposal to create the lives we want to live. And that, my friends, is something worth cheering!

Tell me about a time you took a negative and turned it to an inspiring positive action. Share below or e-mail me at barbara@acceluspartners.com.

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