Excellence In Action

You knew this was coming.  The week couldn’t get by without a reference to the Super Bowl.  What a contest and a display of excellence in action. Usache and Dreamsicle (3)

The game was truly a battle between two great teams.  Much hype, and even controversy this year, proceeds this annual show-down and the game was worthy of it.  I don’t profess to understand all the ins and outs of play calling and execution, yet it was easy to see team work in action and individual talent honed to excellence, even mastery.  Playing at this level requires dedication, commitment and focus that any of us can appreciate.  Watching players, born with a natural talent, and seeing the incredible strength and beauty from years of refining their talent is awe-inspiring.

The same goes for the half-time entertainer, Katy Perry.  What a talent, also refined by years of practice, and a team to support and craft a spectacular half-time show.

For the commercials, there are always some that I just don’t get and that is because they are not targeted to me, a lesson we can all use in business.  The “Dad” commercials for Nissan, Toyota and Dove were heart-warming and the most “macho” representation of a man.  The guy with the Doritos on the airplane was a more typical rendition and oh, so funny.  Did anyone else see the domestic violence commercial that began as a call to order pizza?  Powerful!

Of course my personal favorite had to do with a horse.  I think it can be improved upon and Usache and his barn buddy Dreamsicle are preparing for their debut next year. See the photo above of the rehearsal!

Who’s on your team? Do you need support and guidance to help you refine your talents and purpose? Is your dedication and focus at the level you want?  I know a coach who can help with that!

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