Saying Power

Happy New Year! I do hope you had a relaxing, restful and reinvigorating time with friends and family over the holiday season.

Did you do what most of us do and make some of those New Year Resolutions? If you didn’t and would like to, now is always the time. See Resolute Resolutions for tips on how to give your goals true staying power.

If you did make some New Year’s resolutions, did you share them with others? Or are they the best kept secret in town? As uncomfortable as it may seem, giving a voice to our goals gives them even more power, it gives them Saying Power. You thought that was a typo in the title, didn’t you?

What is the importance of Saying Power? First you are, as they say, “hung by the tongue”. Yep, you’ve gone and done it now and committed to someone other than yourself that you are actually going to take action and do something to make a difference in your life. By sharing with someone else what we want to achieve we actually increase our accountability. Hmmm… interesting how we can be more accountable to someone other than ourselves when ideally we are the person we are most accountable to. Never mind that, let’s just do what it takes to get ourselves into action. Saying it to others will do just that.

The second reason to give a voice to your goals is for you to understand and grasp the deeper meaning for yourself. Why isn’t just thinking it enough? Why isn’t writing it down enough? We learn and grasp information in three primary ways: visual, kinesthetic (by doing) and auditory (hearing). Hearing our goal stated out loud brings it to life. It becomes part of us. It completes the learning process and impacts our ability to change.

Go ahead – state your goal out loud. Share it with those around you. I dare you. Give it Saying Power!

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