What is Vision?

vision, purpose, passion

My work with clients, both personally and professionally, often centers around vision.  Some people know exactly what theirs is while many struggle to even define vision.  Perhaps that is because we use other words to attempt to describe what is an internal picture.

Consider these definitions, courtesy of Merriam Webster:

Vision is something that you imagine: a picture that you see in your mind.

Purpose is the reason why something is done or used: the aim or intention of something.  It is also the feeling of being determined to do or achieve something or the aim or goal of a person.

Passion is a strong feeling of enthusiasm or excitement for something or about doing something.

A vision is something seen for the future.  It is an internal view of the way a person wants things to be and it involves anticipation, foresight, perception, conception and desire.   This vision pulls you forward (how powerful is that!) and creates excitement, ownership and inspires us toward action.

So why is it so hard to express or share our vision?  In his book Start with Why, Simon Sinek teaches us about the limbic area of the brain.  This is the area that holds those thoughts and emotions that make up our vision – the why.  The trouble is, the limbic area is disassociated with the area of the brain that controls language making it even more challenging to outwardly express this internal picture that we hold.

Vision is something that you imagine: a picture that you see in your mind.

Now you know why you fumble and mumble when attempting to express your vision or even why you married your spouse.  It may not be easy to find those words yet when you do you will be winning over the hearts and minds of clients, employees, friends and foes and even yourself.

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