Why You Should Know Your Strengths

Third Article in the Series:
Passions, Strengths & Values

As referenced in the Valentine’s Day message, strengths complement passions in that they help you perform with ease what is necessary to live out your passions. You are given all the tools you need to fulfill your passions; you just have to discover them and learn how to use them.

Our human tendency is to focus on what we don’t do so well; perhaps it’s that one “C” on the report card or “did not meet expectations” in the performance review. While criticism and negative remarks are tough to take, use them to learn and to focus your energy on what you do well. Frankly, you cannot be all things to all people or great at every aspect that your work requires. Top performers know that in order to succeed, their energies must be focused on what they do best.

How do you know what your strengths are? How do you know what you do best?

  1. Listen and observe what others say you do well. We tend to dismiss those compliments, yet they can be very revealing. Heck, it was easy for you to do. Isn’t it for everyone? NO! That is the point. You have unique talents that make certain actions easy for you. Strengths are those things you do easily, while others marvel at the ease in which you do them.
  2. Take an assessment. If you are still not sure what your strengths are, take the strengths assessment made available by Gallup. You can purchase a copy of the book StrengthsFinder 2.0, which provides an access code for the online assessment. You will be amazed at what is revealed and inspired by the tools provided to help you maximize your strengths. Click here to listen to the recent interview of Paul Allen, Strengths Evangelist with Gallup.

When you confirm your strengths, you are empowered to move forward from a place of confidence (with faith) that you have the ability to do and do well! You can also leave behind those things you don’t do so well in favor of those things that will help you succeed. Can you see where this is heading? Your comments are welcome below or email me at barbara@acceluspartners.com.

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