Recommended Reading

How to Manage Your Career

There is no shortage of books claiming to reveal the secret truth behind successful careers. Then there are all the podcasts, TED talks, late-night motivational speakers and your relatives’ sage advice. The bottom line of most of these advice-givers? A successful career requires managing the person in the mirror – overcoming your tendencies and habits that can undermine efforts to find happiness at work. Via

What to Do When You’re Feeling Distracted at Work


Sometimes there’s so much going on in your life, and the world, that you can’t focus. What can you do when every time you sit down at your desk, you feel distracted? How can you get back to feeling focused and productive? What the Experts Say. Feeling distracted and unproductive is something most people struggle with, says Susan David…read more.


6 Signs to Instantly Identify Someone With True Leadership Skills

What are the defining attributes of great leaders? That’s the age-old question thought leaders and scholars galore have been attempting to answer in mountains of books and literature. While great leadership, to an extent, can be personal and subjective to the follower, there are universal principles you can’t argue with (but you can try). Speaking of those thought leaders and scholars, here are six traits that keep surfacing over and over again in the leadership literature and…

Getting The Jump On April 17 Is it tax time already? You may not want to admit it, but tax time starts well before the filing deadline. Your important tax forms start arriving in the mail in January. If you simply let them accumulate in a pile, it will be April before you realize it, and you will be scrambling around, attempting to do your taxes at the last moment. Woe unto you if you realize at the last minute that one of your important tax forms is nowhere to be found. Read more at


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