Driver’s education provides hand-on experience maneuvering a vehicle on roads and through traffic. Warnings about blind spots are given in training, yet the reality of their existence is hard to fathom. “How could you not see another large vehicle to your side?” Yep, we all know that feeling of “oh my gosh…a near miss!” That is the blind spot. Newer model cars include a blind spot detection system that activates to warn the driver …
Can you think of a leader who wouldn’t want to be known as an achiever? Most of us – leaders or not – would appreciate that moniker following behind our name. And for the 6 million plus people of the 20 million who have taken the Clifton Strengths® assessment, they can rightly claim the talent of Achiever®. But wait…isn’t “leader” synonymous with “achiever”? Specifically, Achiever® is defined by Gallup as: People especially talented in the …
Genuine. Authentic. Natural. You’re used to seeing these words on the labels of leather shoes or handbags. Yet, these adjectives are also used to describe great leaders. When you are with them, work with them or are simply influenced by them, their style of leadership is often described by how it feels: Genuine. Authentic. Natural. Some Leaders are Naturally Authentic. While any leader has the potential to engender these feelings in others, those with the …
Significance. The word conjures up an impression of importance. “It was a significant milestone in his life” or “She played a significant role in the product launch.” Not a bad thing indeed. Significance and the CliftonStrengths® Assessment Until Significance™ shows up in the top 5 or 10 talent themes of someone who has taken the CliftonStrengths® assessment. People especially talented in the Significance theme want to make a big impact. They are independent and sort …
Leaders, I have a question for you. I want to know what the outcome was of your most recent: Performance review Team retreat Strategy meeting Did it close with energy, enthusiasm and expectation? Be honest here… Or was it “Rah-rah! See you at the office tomorrow.” “Thank goodness this is over.” We’re leaders. We aim to inspire and unite. But… For so many workplace activities, the latter response is prevalent. As leaders we want to …
A client recently took on a new position in an organization. She has been identified as a potential leader and is given the task of rebuilding a department decimated by turnover. Those remaining are there not by choice; they are there for the paycheck. Stepping in to a “new” leadership position To top it off, the “new” of the position means it is new to my client. She is coming in from the outside with …
Last week I attended a breakfast meeting of the National Association of Corporate Directors (NACD). How I came to be at that meeting is an interesting story of connection but you’ll have to wait to hear that one. What stood out for me at that meeting is hearing, yet again, a theme that has been playing in my consciousness in recent months. The topic of the meeting was a panel discussion on “Moderating Board Performance …