Roger Bannister busted the 4-minute mile limit. Once he achieved that, the limit got busted over and over again. His record-breaking run gave the world of runners hope and belief that they could do it too – and they did, many times over. The moral of the story? We don’t know what we are capable of until we push our limits. And what about those limits? I know one thing: they’re often self-imposed.
Here’s an example to help you achieve success by redefining your limits:
A small-town girl heads off to university. An excellent student in high school, viewed favorably in the eyes of fellow students and faculty, she begins her first semester. Focused on continued good grades, she spends more time in the dorm room studying than anywhere else.
All that studying pays off. Well, except for Physics class, where she scores her first ever “D”. She steels herself for the reality of failing out of college. The “D” becomes a “B” by the end of the semester – but not without a load of stress and the dreaded freshman weight gain. Only 8 pounds instead of the typical 15 – but still devastating to this (former?) high achiever.
A taste of success can help build the confidence we need to succeed.
Funds are tight; scholarships cover just the basics and she makes the call to take a part-time job as a teaching assistant (TA). The bit of extra money helps and her grades improve, even with less time to study. The freshman “8” disappears.
A taste of success gives the young student confidence to reach for a job that provides the opportunity for more hours and more pay, waiting tables at the local Mexican food restaurant. The hours she’s been working…her income…and soon, her confidence…all start to soar.
Meanwhile, grades remain high and additional scholarships are won. The student graduates in record time – Summa Cum Laude with Honors.
What is the key to success? Taking that first small step forward.
From fear of failing grades and failing funds to a secured full-time job and a savings account at graduation, what was the key to success?
A push through self-imposed limits.
That first small step of taking the TA position provided the foundation she needed. It started with a tease of what was possible, as well as the encouragement necessary to push even further.
Yes, this is my story and I share it with you not to brag, but to give you hope that the same (and even more!) is possible for you. What opportunities are awaiting your first step? What limits might you have imposed that keep you from success far greater than you can imagine? Check out this FREE 45-minute webinar to inspire you to step into it and move beyond your limits.